PJ Donnelly Sculpture

PJ Donnelly Sculpture


Mixed Media Sculpture

Pure Heaven

Pure Heaven is one of a series I completed which presents an extension of my earlier method of sculpting a piece to compliment a preconstructed title. In order to further this idea, this series presented a physical response to individual poems I have written. 

Pure Heaven is a mixed media piece which offers a reflection on how the chaotic and meaningless nature of life can actually be perceived as a source of comfort. 

Pewter, Terracotta, Marble Resin and Jesmonite. With Acrylics and Shellac.

Dimensions: 450/119mm

Available: £1200

Please see online store.

Pure Heaven

It's chaos up there.

It's a handful of sand,

Tossed and suspended in nothingness.

No mess we make,

Can ever compare to that,

Eternal disorder,


There's no judgement,

No arrangement,

No point.

Up there,

Down here

Pure Heaven.

Expectations (2020)

This piece was completed in May 2020 and stands at 270mm. Expectations is a combined resin sculpture and body cast using two separate moulding techniques. The child’s face serves as an expression of vulnerability and apprehension on the body of a bird which reflects the potential for freedom and independence. The hand serves as a presence of authority, firmly directing the subject towards the expected pathway.

Descending Assistance (2021)

Descending Assistance is a mixed media piece inspired by photographs of early members of the mining rescue profession from the early 1900's. The ceramic character is housed in a wooden pod with integrated lighting giving the impression of an isolated decent into the abyss.

Ceramic red Terracotta figure with oxides. Pod is constructed from wood with aluminium mesh and integrated spotlights.

Wooden Base with Brass fixture

520 x 200 x 150mm Inc base

Thunder on Forward (2020)

Thunder on Forward is a mixed media piece the majority of which is cast in resin. This is a combination of life cast and clay sculpted components. This sculpture represents resilience and determination against adversity. The hands enveloping the figure make reference to the power of the external support and encouragement offered by others.

Marble resin, string, plaster with brass fixtures. Painted using acrylics and shellac.

Wooden Base

320 x 300 x 240mm

Elevation (2021)

Elevation is a mixed media piece representing freedom accompanied by a positive departure. The two characters in the piece are ceramic mounted upon a wooden perch.

Mixed media including ceramic, epoxy clay, wood and galvanized steel wire.
Characters finished using bronze gilding wax.

Wooden Base with brass mounting arm

400 x 200 x 150mm Inc base

©2024 All works by PJDonnelly